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Command Line Interface

Once you obtained the nmo executable (see installation), you can execute nemo rule files:

Terminal window
nmo my_rules.rls --export-dir results

For an overview of the supported command line options run the following:

Terminal window
nmo --help

Tracing facts

You can specify facts to be traced via the command line. Example:

e(1, 2).
e(2, 3).
p(?x, ?y) :- e(?x, ?y).
p(?x, ?z) :- p(?x, ?y), e(?y, ?z).
q(?x) :- p(_, ?x), a(?x).
Terminal window
nmo rules.rls --trace "p(1,3);q(3)"

This results in the following traces being produced:

p(1, 3) :- p(1, 2), e(2, 3) .
├─ p(1, 2) :- e(1, 2) .
│ └─ e(1, 2)
└─ e(2, 3)
q(3) :- p(1, 3), a(3) .
├─ p(1, 3) :- p(1, 2), e(2, 3) .
│ ├─ p(1, 2) :- e(1, 2) .
│ │ └─ e(1, 2)
│ └─ e(2, 3)
└─ a(3)