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Installing Nemo

Nemo can be obtained as a precompiled binary, as a nix flake or built from source. Note that precompiled binaries might not be available for all platforms.

Obtaining binaries

The Nemo Rule Engine is available as a precompiled binary for Windows, Linux, and macOS. You can download the latest version from the Nemo releases page. The linux version depends on libssl and libcrypto, which are usually installed by default on most distributions (for example via the libssl3 package on Ubuntu or openssl on Fedora).

Using the Nix flake

Nemo is also available as a package for the nix package manager. This allows several different ways of using it. For example, you can directly run Nemo without installing it:

Terminal window
nix run github:knowsys/nemo

Instead of running it directly, you can also just start a shell that has nmo in its path (again without installing it):

Terminal window
nix shell github:knowsys/nemo

The nix flake also provides several other outputs, among it a package allowing you to add Nemo to, e.g., a system configuration or a home-manager. First, add Nemo a as a flake input:

inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "";
nemo = {
url = "github:knowsys/nemo";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Then, you can, e.g., add Nemo to a system configuration to have it installed permanently, where system is the appropriate system type, e.g., x86_64-linux.

environment.systemPackages = [ nemo.packages."system".nemo ];

There is also an overlay that can be applied to a nixpkgs instance:

nixpkgs.overlays = [ nemo.overlays.default ];
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.nemo ];

We also provide the Python and Javascript bindings as flake outputs (packages.*.nemo-python, packages.*.nemo-wasm). There are even pypthon and nodejs packages that have the respective bindings available, so you can, e.g., run a python interpreter with Nemo bindings by executing

Terminal window
nix run github:knowsys/nemo#python3

and, similarly, a nodejs interpreter with Nemo bindings by executing

Terminal window
nix run github:knowsys/nemo#nodejs

As with the main Nemo package, you can also start a shell with these interpreters in the path or add them to, e.g., a system configuration.

Lastly, for development on Nemo, the flake provides a devShell that has an appropriate rust toolchain and rust-analyzer in its path. From the source directory, run:

Terminal window
nix develop

Building from source

To build your own version from source, you need to have an up-to-date installation of (nightly) Rust. You can ensure you are on the latest version by running:

Terminal window
rustup update nightly

Moreover, Nemo requires the following dependency on Linux/Unix systems:

  • OpenSSL development packages (e.g., libssl-dev on Ubuntu or openssl-devel on Fedora)

Download the source code (from a release or this repository) and run

Terminal window
cargo build -r

This will create the command-line client nmo in the directory ./target/release/.